The course's primary objective is to provide participants with a comprehensive grasp of how to systematically and strategically handle research results while pinpointing avenues for effective utilisation. By concentrating on diverse categories of knowledge assets generated through research—ranging from inventions and software to datasets and methods—the course offers a sweeping viewpoint on creating value from these assets beyond the academic realm.

A key element of the course revolves around intellectual property rights, which play an indispensable role in governing the application of research results. Nevertheless, these intellectual property aspects are also situated within a broader context encompassing research strategy and innovation. The course empowers participants to delve into various aspects of intellectual property law in accordance with their specific research areas.

Investment in the future

Jorge Fernandez Mendez, a PhD student in the Department of Chemistry-Ångström, participated in the course during the prior spring term.

“From my side, I felt that the contents of the course were really on point and covered any possible question comprehensively. It was also nice to have the opportunity to attend sessions in different campus buildings,” Jorge Fernandez Mendez shares.

Another participant from the spring cohort, Lidia Habtemikael, a PhD student in the Department of Pharmacy, lauded the course for its logical structure and clarity.

"The course provided an insightful overview of intellectual property rights and equipped us with practical tools for strategically managing innovations stemming from research," Lidia Habtemikael comments.

Nhils Forslund oversees the course at UU Innovation and emphasises the course's mission to heighten awareness regarding the necessity of systematically identifying and managing knowledge assets.

"Whether participants have completed results or are in the process of planning future projects, the course offers pragmatic guidance to fortify foundations for both research funding and the utilisation of research results. It's an investment in the future for all PhD students and researchers," Nhils Forslund concludes.