Sofia Häggman, with past links to the Department of Archeology and Ancient History, is the author of the book Mumier: fakta, forskning, fiktion (Mummies: facts, research, fiction), published earlier this year. In it she tells the full story of Egypt's mummies – something that has fascinated, and continues to fascinate, many people throughout the ages. The book is based on the latest research. Readers can also learn about the mummies as a source of inspiration in popular culture.

Interested in photography? Then I recommend the hard-hitting Fotografihistorier: Fotografi och bildbruk i Sverige från 1839 till idag (Photography stories: Photography and image use in Sweden from 1839 to the present day) The book depicts photography in Sweden from the early 19th century up until our own times. Sixteen subject experts, one of whom is Solveig Jülich at the Department of History of Science and Ideas, were brought together to contribute to the book on this subject.

Six years ago, Jens Ergon at the Department of Earth Sciences published the book Omställningen: Tio år som kommer förändra världen (Transition: ten years that will change the world). As a science journalist, he followed the climate issue for over a decade. Has a transition begun? Will our future be filled with solar energy or must the world continue to desperately try to suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere? A hot topic in 2022!

Anders Kaliff and Terje Østigård from the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History published the study Werewolves, Warriors and Winter Sacrifices in autumn 2021. The book is about the Kivik grave and its connections to werewolves, among other things. The Kivik grave is one of Scandinavia's largest burial sites from the Early Bronze Age.

Between 10 and 20 percent of children in Sweden become overweight or obese, which can have a major impact on their health. Paulina Nowicka from the Department of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics published the book Hälsovikt för ditt barn (Healthy weight for your child) in spring 2022. The book is aimed at those who have questions about their child's weight.

Extreme weather and destroyed ecosystems. Who is responsible for the climate crisis? Do individual negligent actions have a collective significance? What will the future hold? Magnus Linton, with a past as a writing coach at Uppsala University, is the editor of the anthology Klimat och moral: nio tankar om hettan (Climate and morals: nine thoughts about heat). The anthology was published in autumn 2021. Among the participating researchers is the historian of ideas Jenny Andersson, who works at Sciences Po in Paris and Uppsala University.

Double the challenge? Read a book in Norwegian while practising student songs for next summer. 2018 saw the publication of Odd Inge Skjævesland 's book Sangerprinsen (The Singer Prince). The book is about the Swedish-Norwegian prince Gustaf, who wrote songs such as the Student Song, first performed in Uppsala. In autumn 2022, the author visited the Society for University and Student History to talk about his book. Can't manage the Norwegian? Not to worry. Sangerprinsen will also be published in Swedish. It will be the first book in the Society for University and Student History's new series of publications.