You can apply if you conduct "humanistic and socially oriented research, that can lead to a better life for people with mental illness". Special attention will be paid to research that puts the user's experience and knowledge in focus.

RSMH likes to see the scholarship as a "start-up aid" for researchers, PhD students or prospective PhD students who are not yet established and who present interesting ideas. The funds may not be used for travel, translation, purchase of computers or software.


Your application must include

  • Your name and social security number, address, telephone number, email
  • Information on academic degrees, current occupation (employment or equivalent) and workplace or department
  • A short summary of your research plan with a basic idea as well as a time and financial plan
  • Research plan, curriculum vitae and preferably references


Please send any questions about the scholarship or application to Ann Ottengrim by e-mail or phone 073-999 51 26.

Apply by March 31 2021

Send your application by email to

Or by regular mail to:

Att: Kristina Båth
Instrumentvägen 10
126 53 Hägersten