A new term in office began at mid-year for the vice-rectors in each disciplinary domain. Professor of Sociology Tora Holmberg is the new vice-rector for the Humanities and Social Sciences and Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Mats Larhed is filling that role in the disciplinary domain of Medicine and Pharmacy. Professor of Mathematics Johan Tysk is continuing as vice-rector for the disciplinary domain of Science and Technology for another term.

The vice-rectors had a great deal to delve into as they begin their new posts, of course. One of the main issues was the University’s new goals and strategies, which were adopted last spring. The Vice-Chancellor has tasked the three disciplinary domains, chaired by the vice-rectors, with implementing the new goals and strategies. Each has taken a slightly different approach.

Vision work

All students and staff are invited to participate in Vision: Medfarm. Through workshops and digital arenas, the initiative hopes to inspire broad commitment to the long-term future issues.
“We will be working together for two days in October in open workshops focused on research, postgraduate education, training and organisation,” says Mats Larhed. “I absolutely hope everyone will take this opportunity to contribute their unique knowledge and experience. There is no doubt that the results of what we achieve will shape our development for many years to come”.

Delegation to the faculties

Within the Humanities and Social Sciences, the task of implementing goals and strategies has been delegated to six Faculty committees, each chaired by a dean. In turn, the Faculties are working with the issue in slightly different ways (see the article link below), but there is a domain-wide effort as well.
“At the domain level, we will proceed from the goals and strategy work carried out by the Faculties to see which general issues would benefit from collaboration within the disciplinary domain”, says Tora Holmberg

Section deans are initiating the work

The section deans are starting the work with the goals and strategies within Science and Technology.
“The section deans will initiate the work at the institutions to translate the University’s goals and strategies down to the department and division level within each section”, explains Johan Tysk. There is a lot to discuss and reconcile at various levels. So, it is a good idea to keep to the same format, with clear headings, to facilitate comparison of different activities and get a better overview of the Faculty”.