In these times of gathering gloom all around us, both literally and figuratively, messing about in the kitchen can provide a moment’s light relief. Dig out grandma’s cookie recipe, put on your Santa apron, roll up your sleeves and get cooking. Who doesn’t long to sink their teeth into a crisply fried angel wings pastry, a mince pie or a chocolate-covered marzipan pig, home-made of course.

We’re sure you colleagues have the recipes. So let’s see what you have to share with us, your best and tastiest recipes for all the sweet treats of the Christmas season – candy, buns, cookies and all.

  • Write down the ingredients in an email and send it to the editors at the Staff Portal.
  • Tell us in three lines why your treat is the best of them all.
  • Bake, boil or fry – then send us a picture of your goodies and make sure you’re in the picture too, if you like, with or without your Christmas elf hat.
  • Send it to

All contributions received will be collected and published in the Staff Portal as they come in.