Eva Tiensuu Janson is a professor and senior consultant at Uppsala University Hospital, and Deputy Vice-Rector of the Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy at Uppsala University. She already has a strong connection to Biobank Sweden through her involvement as a member of the steering group. She is also committed to future development of Biobank Sweden.

“Currently, there is a discussion in Sweden about how this type of national collaboration on infrastructures of national importance for research and health care should be organised in the future. We believe that a national office for different infrastructures needs to be designed. This office would then coordinate work between regions and universities. Getting it right will be one of my main focuses for the future,” says Eva, and continues:

“Biobank Sweden also works with many important issues such as electronic consent to save samples, facilitation of linking samples with health data, simplified procedures for taking samples from biobanks, and so on. Getting routines and collaboration in place is crucial for us to be able to conduct successful translational research in Sweden.”

The national steering group includes representatives of the seven medical faculties and the seven regions with university hospitals, representatives of life science companies and patient associations. Prior to this appointment, it was the other faculties that asked Eva Tiensuu Janson to take on the position as Chairman.

“The important collaboration aims to strengthen the conditions for medical research and contribute to good diagnostics and treatment of patients. Here I see great value in leading the steering group's work,” says Eva.