Conditions for use of workspaces
A workspace can be created and owned by a member of staff at Uppsala University. A workspace is used for collaboration within a team (group) comprising of at least two members.
Owner responsibility
The owner of a workspace is responsible for ensuring that whatever is published there does not contain information that may be perceived as offensive, insulting, criminal under the Penal Code and/or in violation of copyright laws. See the Act on Responsibility for Electronic Bulletin Boards (1998:112). The owner is expected to have such an overview of the workspace so that he/she may quickly remove this kind of information, both in own and others' bulletins, to the extent that they are published. If the owner or someone else posts a bulletin which is contrary to Swedish law, the owner, in the event of litigation, may be personally responsible.
If the contents of a workspace are not updated within 7 months, the workspace will be inactivated. This will take place following a reminder to the owner and administrators one month in advance. The owner can reactivate the workspace within 2 years after the last update of its content. After 2 years of inactivity, the workspace and its content are automatically removed.
Documents that are not larger than 100 MB, may be uploaded to the workspace. Groups can store a total of approx. 10 GB free of charge. These sizes apply initially, but as the Employee Portal is under construction, we will analyze the use of being able to offer a solution which meets actual needs.
The service is intended for documents such as text documents, spreadsheets and presentations. There is currently an investigation into the possibility of extending the service to handle other types of files as well, such as media files and heavier research data.
In the security screening carried out when the service was being developed, we have come to the conclusion that the service should offer a high level of security protection (on the scale Basic level/High level/Special requirements). This means for instance that all communication is encrypted and that the service in the event of serious disruptions could be resumed within 24 hours. For content that requires strong protection, we recommend that a specific decision is made before the content is posted on a group workspace. Please contact us at so we can help you with this.