Access to research infrastructure is vital for the development of research, a point emphasised by Uppsala University and many other stakeholders in its input to the government’s research bill. The government has appointed Tobias Krantz, former Minister for Research and most recently Head of Education, Research and Innovation at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, to chair an inquiry on the organisation, funding and national priorities of research infrastructure. His remit also includes e-infrastructure. The inquiry is to deliver its report in May next year.

The afternoon began with a visit to the FREIA Laboratory and the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC), both located at the Ångström Laboratory. The visit was hosted by Vice-Rector Johan Tysk and Adviser to the Vice-Chancellor Kristina Edström.

“It is good that Mr Krantz showed such great interest in these infrastructure facilities, which are both vital enablers of other infrastructure. The FREIA Laboratory, for example, is a unique resource for the development of instruments and technology, which is essential for other infrastructure but falls between the cracks in terms of funding,” says Tysk.

Krantz’s day in Uppsala concluded with his panel participation at the Vice-Chancellor’s seminar on research infrastructure in the Humanities Theatre.

Read more about the seminar in the Vice-Chancellor’s Blog.