“It’s good that, with these guidelines, we’re finally getting clear guidance when it comes to hiring out our premises,” says Peter Elenfalk, Property Director at the Buildings Division.

The updated guidelines allow the University to make premises available for political meetings to political parties with seats in the Riksdag (Swedish Parliament), Uppsala regional assembly, Uppsala municipal assembly or Gotland regional assembly. For the two weeks preceding general elections, after consultations with the campus management concerned, these political parties are given access to the University’s public spaces.

For political organisations without seats in the Riksdag, Uppsala regional assembly, Uppsala municipal assembly or Gotland regional assembly, hire and/or access cases will be assessed individually on every occasion. The guidelines also clarify that organisations associated with support for violent extremism are not allowed access to the University’s premises.

Another new feature is the process intended to precede any hiring-out covered by the guidelines. The matter must, for example, be examined by the campus management concerned or the University’s central unit for premises booking. If it is unclear whether the premises should be hired out, the case must be referred to the University Director for assessment.

As for premises hired out for cultural and hospitality purposes, commercial activities and use by student unions and other student associations, the guidelines are unchanged.

Josefin Svensson

Readl the Guidlines in the University's Goals and Rules Library.