It should be easy and simple to access the information you need in your role, whether you work in research, education or support. This has been our focus when developing the new Staff Gateway.

Specific content for different target groups

To make it easy to find information for those working in a specific field, we have created a number of specific gateways where all the content for that target group is compiled in one place.

  • management and leadership
  • research
  • doctoral studies
  • teaching
  • study administration
  • HR
  • financial administration
  • IT
  • web publishing

At the same time, all content under the main menu will be smaller in scope and easier to navigate.

Local pages on the new Staff Gateway

An important aspect of the improved structure is that each department, faculty, disciplinary domain, campus and division of the Administration will have its own page on the Staff Gateway linked in a smart way to other content.

Department and division pages will only be accessible to their own staff in order to provide the best possible support for internal communication.

The Staff Gateway will be customised for you

new Staff Gateway is based on you following different pages in line with your role, the area of in the organisation in which you are placed and your physical location. Some of these are selected for you automatically while others are up to you to choose. The pages you follow impact which shortcuts, news and calendar events appear on your home page and in your personal menu, while easy access is maintained to information concerning all staff.

Groups, local information and the staff directory remain on the Staff Portal

The Staff Portal will remain available until the end of April. This is to allow departments and other parts of the University to migrate their local information. The groups will also be available during this period, but will be gradually replaced by SharePoint or phased out depending on the approach taken by your part of the organisation. The staff directory will also remain on the Staff Portal for a while longer. All other information will be available on the new Staff Gateway as of the launch on 6 December.

Other parts of the website to be launched simultaneously

Together with the launch of the new Staff Gateway, all disciplinary domains, faculties and campuses will get new webpages on the external website as well as on the Student Gateway and Staff Gateway. Our museums will also be launching their new websites on the same day.

Uppsala University Library launched its new website on 21 November, while departments, centres and collaborating websites will be launched next year.

Please contact the webmaster at your department or division if you have any questions about how your part of the organisation is managing the new website.