In case of immediate threat to life contact SOS Alarm (00) 112

In the event of a serious incident, call the University emergency number 018 471 25 00 if there:

  • has been, or is a risk of, serious personaly injury or damage to the environment or property
  • is a risk of damage to the reputation and profile of your own operations or those of the University
  • has been, or is a risk of, a serious impact on the operations of the department/equivalent or the University
  • is a immediate need of a security officer.

If you wish to call attention to problems in the workplace, you should normally contact your line manager and/or safety representative. But there is also a whistleblowing function to complement the normal communication channels.

Whistleblowing can involve suspicions of wrongdoing that it is appropriate to report to the University but where the normal channels of communication cannot be used. Such wrongdoing may for example concern financial irregularities or corruption, research misconduct, conflicts of interest or outside activities that undermine public confidence.