Given name (forename you normally use): This must match the given name registered with the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket). It cannot be a nickname, e.g. Kalle if your name is Karl, or Liz if your name is Elizabeth. The passport usually contains all forenames, but only the given name should be registered in Primula.

Surname (family name): If more than one surname is used, all surnames should be registered in Primula, i.e. including the surname registered as “middle name” [mellannamn] with the Swedish Tax Agency. The surnames must match those stated in the passport.

To update your surname in Primula web, do the following:

  1. Log in to Primula web
  2. Select My page/04. Personal data
  3. Correct your surname
  4. Submit

To update your given name: Email

The name change will not affect your email address.

If you have any questions, please contact:

We would like to remind you that all travel should be booked via Lingmerths or other procured service providers. More information regarding travel can be found in the Staff Portal [Medarbetarportalen].

If you have any questions regarding travel, please contact: