Marcus Lindskog, Docent in Psychology and Senior Lecturer in Education, specialising in mathematics education, at the Department of Education, engages in research on learning and cognitive development, with a focus on younger children and mathematics.

“I’d had a long day of seminars when an email showed up from a colleague, with congratulations. The prize had never occurred to me and I was happy and surprised.”

Marcus Lindskog always has many projects on the go. In one current project, he is building up a research environment at the Department of Education focusing on mathematics teaching for preschool children and the first years of school.

“The money will be useful for completing some of my projects and hopefully the recognition will open new doors for interesting projects and collaborations in the future.”

Ocean Cheung, Assistant Professor at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, has successfully worked on developing new nanoporous materials for drug delivery and environmental applications.

“I was happily surprised. The Oscar Prize is one of the most prestigious at Uppsala University, so it felt almost unreal. I had to read the email several times to believe it was true and that it hadn’t been sent to the wrong person!”

Ocean Cheung is grateful that his work is appreciated at this level and believes this really is a big step forward in his career.

“The prize makes it possible for me to test new research ideas and opens up new channels for me to communicate my research and establish contacts with more researchers. Collaborating with other researchers is so important and I really look forward to these future opportunities.”