More than three thousand people responded to the questionnaire that was sent out during the user survey, and efforts have begun to analyse the results, provide feedback, and plan the necessary measures.

The results of the survey have been summarised from several perspectives. For example, responses can be viewed per campus area or based on feedback on specific IT services per e-administration area. Read more about the University’s e-administration model.

Thank you to all of you who responded to the survey! Your feedback is valuable and will contribute immensely to the development of IT operations at the University.

External Review, Action Plan and Coming Measures

The external review of the division has resulted in a number of recommendations for the continued development of IT operations at the University.

An action plan featuring a number of measures linked to the results of the user survey and recommendations from the external review is now being prepared.

Some measures linked to local IT support have already been implemented, such as extended opening hours to improve the availability of IT support on campus. A service location for IT support at the University Hospital will open soon.

For more information regarding the results from the user survey, see the Staff Portal: Results from User Survey and Continued Work.

For more information regarding the external review, see the Staff Portal: External Review of University IT Services.